Before you come to Asia…
From working in a hostel and constantly interacting with tourists until now, I see a lot of things that can be done to make traveling to Asia (and in general) much more comforting and less stressful. Here are some things you can do before you decide to come over to the east. Do some research before you go There’s a ton of information out there about popular places you can visit in a country. From reading blogs, Trip Advisor, travel guides, watching Youtube videos, and even Reddit. Make a list of places you want to visit and make it happen when you arrive at your destination. Try to look up popular food to eat in each location so you can have a taste of a little of everything. Small steps made to prepare a trip before traveling will make the adventure go more smoothly. And hey, if you have a friend that lives in that country or city, ask for their advice too! But don’t also try to rely on them to be your tour …