Biking in Taipei
Riding a bike in Taipei is one of the most convenient but also can be the most nerve-wracking things to do. A lot of people ride in the city to get to places much quicker when the MRT (subway)/ bus cannot necessarily take them there. A lot of people also ride as a form of exercise. Taipei has a ton of bike trails that span across the city and lots of people take advantage of riding them whenever the weather is super nice. If you’re just visiting Taipei for a short period of time or just want to ride to get to one place to another, I highly recommended taking advantage of Taiwan’s Youbike bike sharing program. Youbikes are the lovely orange bikes which people can easily rent wherever and whenever. There are stations placed all over Taiwan, but the majority of the stations are in Taipei. You can typically locate a station by an MRT stop or in a very busy central area. They have an app where you can find the closest one …